Conclusions INNOVATION 2012

Organized by the Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship CR in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Committee on National Economy, Agriculture and Transport of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, domestic and foreign members and partners under the auspices of the Prime Minister Petr Nečas.

This 19th year of INNOVATION 2012, Week of Research, Development and Innovation in the Czech Republic, was held on December 4 – 7, 2012 in Prague. Individual parts of International Symposium and related meetings attended 389 persons, the International Fair of Inventions and Innovation, which for example was visited by The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the governmental level, visited about 1150 people individually. There were presented experience of R&D&I projects from 18 countries and 68 exhibitors presenting nearly 420 R&D&I projects took part in the exhibition. Due to the presentation of the International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) and other international organizations, the AIE CR and the Science and Technology Parks Association of the Czech Republic are cooperating with - especially TII, ICC, IASP, SPICE, EBN – the experts from other 19 countries will be informed about INNOVATION 2012.

In the framework of the 17th competition year of the Innovation of the Year 2012 Award 15 applications were evaluated. Due to mandatory consultations all registered innovative products were awarded. Senator Petr Bratský and President of the AIE CR Karel Šperlink handed over awards.

In the framework of the project SPINNET of the Science and Technology Parks Association of the Czech Republic the 2nd national conference of the project was held together with results announcement of the national competition for the best student innovation business plan 2012. Traditionally the section of International Cooperation in R&D&I was held on December 6, 2012.

After exhibition opening on December 4, 2012 was launched the CD ROM – Technological Profile of the CR, 13th version.

During INNOVATION 2012 series of meetings with domestic and foreign partners took part in to evaluate the cooperation up to now between the Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship CR and further subjects in the framework of the System of Innovative Entrepreneurship in the Czech Republic and further main tasks determination into the future period.

In the framework of the third day on December 6, 2012 were announced the results of the 2nd year VISIONAIRES 2012 (

On November 30, 2012 were announced the results of the 1st year competition Best Innovator (

Detailed information about individual days of International Symposium programme, about the International Fair of Inventions and Innovation and the results of the 17th year of Innovation of the Year Award, including photo gallery are located on


Prague, December 12, 2012
Authors: P. Švejda, I. Němečková

Information of each day is placed on the Czech website version:, including photo galleries to each day.


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