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Final Report of INNOVATION 2008

The 15th year of INNOVATION 2008, Week of Research, Development and Innovation in Czech Republic, that held venue in Prague from December 2 – 5, 2008, was attended by 494 visitors at all parts of symposia and joined meetings and exhibition. There where 1200 individual visitors of posters exhibition. There were presented experiences of R&D&Innovation projects from 20 countries, at exhibition section took part 67 exhibitors, which represented almost 400 R&D&Innovation projects. Because of participants of ICSTI (International Centre for Science and Technological Information) will be information concerning INNOVATION 2008 send to experts from other countries (22 countries on governmental level, the others nongovernmental; CR is on nongovernmental level represented by AIE CR in this Centre).

At the frame of 13th year Innovation of the Year 2008 Award there were evaluated 12 applications and 10 of them received award. There were turned over awards to winners during the Innovation Forum.

At the first time were within the programme of INNOVATION 2008 integrated self section Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).

In December 2, 2008 - during the Plenary section was launched issue Science and Technology Parks (STP) in CR and 5 of 7 new accredited STP directors´ representants received their credits. It was 9th round of accreditation.

After exhibition opening there was launch of the CD-ROM 09 version – Technological Profile of the CR.

During the INNOVATION 2008 there were several negotiations with domestic and foreign partners. AIE CR signed the agreement with top managers of ICSTI that it would be preparing the conference and meeting of the board ICSTI in May 22 – 25, 2009 in Prague. Next agreement with Byelorussia state university and Byelorussia Innovation Fund was signed in frame of science-technological and innovation cooperation of both countries.

Public inquiry of exhibition part participated 16 visitors and 2 tickets of inquiry was not valid:
* the most votes received poster “Crop Research Institute, v.v.i.”
- winner selected by lot is Mr. Karel Král (Institute of Physics of the AS CR, v.v.i.)

Detailed information from the individual days of symposia programme, exhibition part and results of 13th Innovation of the Year 2008 Award are on the


  • to organize 16th year of international symposia with exhibition INNOAVTION 2009, The week of Research & Development & Innovation in CR in Prague and other places in December 1 – 4, 2009 under the auspices of Mirek Topolánek,the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic
  • to include into the symposia programme section EEN and meeting of innovative firms into Innovation forum; to turn over awards to winners of 14th Innovation of the year Award 2009 competition
  • to fulfil the exhibition nomenclature by interesting innovation items, clusters, platforms and by presentation of chosen projects in the frame of economical diplomacy
  • to focus on R&D&Innovation international and domestic industrial projects results, mostly in the frame of programmes IMPULS and EUREKA

Prague, December 19, 2008
Author: Pavel Švejda
Translation: Pavel Dlouhý

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