Final Report of INNOVATION 2007
The 14th year of INNOVATION 2007, Week of Research, Development and Innovation in Czech Republic, that held venue in Prague from December 4 – 7, 2007, was attended by 100 visitors at all parts of symposia and joined meetings. There where presented experiences of R&D projects from 31 countries, at exhibition section took part 79 exhibitors, which represented almost 490 R&D projects for innovation. At the frame of 12th year Innovation of the Year 2007 Award there were evaluated 20 applications and 17 of them received award.
At the second time were within the programme of INNOVATION 2007 integrated proceedings and services regarding to the Czech registered trade marks of AIE CR – Innovation of the year Award and Gallery of Innovation. Within the international symposia were two conferences of projects in frame of JPD 3 – CIVL and BIOTECH.
There was also for the first time realised Czech-Russian workshop to scientific, technical, industrial and trade co-operation.
This suggestions, recommendations and conclusions follows from realised successful INNOVATION 2007:
- hereafter to develop bilateral scientific and technical co-operation with CR, to the using of project’s results for preparation of “large” projects in the FP 7, EUREKA, COST and similarly
- to improve forms of public relations of programme KONTAKT (articles in ip&tt and another media, presentations on domestic and foreign fairs, exhibitions and conferences)
- in co-operation with managing authorities of operational programmes 2007 – 2013 to contribute to its successful performance
- to involve the expert teams for innovative entrepreneurship in regions to prepare and realise regional innovation strategies, hereafter to develop co-operation with representatives of AIE CR in regions
- in cooperation with Czech rectors conference to prepare educational programme Innovative engineering for Czech universities starting in school year 2008/2009
- to prepare conditions for conference and session of ICSTI bodies in Prague in the year 2009
- hereafter effectively fulfil the role of partner in projects JPD 3 “Centre of innovative education Liblice” and “Competitiveness in biomedicine technologies”, to participate on preparation of final conferences of both projects
- to include into project’s results of R&D for innovation according to RIV to III category – applied outputs - appraised innovational products in the frame of Innovation of the year Award
- in operation of International Innovation Centre AIE CR to care for co-operation of individual subjects in scientific, technical, industrial and trade activities, to contribute to successful realization of innovative processes in RF and in CR
- to discharge content of concluded co-operation agreements AIE CR and SVTP CR with Belarusian partners (Belarusian State University Minsk, Centre for technology transfer of Belarusian Academy of Science, Belarusian Innovation Fund, Technology Park Minsk)
- to accomplish educational part of Czech-Russian project VŠMIE and Mendeleyev University by trial of remaining written school works
- regarding to successful programme of last exhibition section to prepare exhibition section of INNOVATION 2008 at ground floor and 1st – 4th floors of ČSVTS building, Novotného lávka 5, Prague 1 in December 2 – 5, 2008
- in the frame of 13th year of competition Innovation of the Year 2008 Award to care for consistent fulfilment of criterions, to give attention to relevant innovative acts
- there were 18 visitors joining exhibition’s inquiry:
- posters of “Centre of innovative education Liblice” received most number of votes
- drowned visitor were Mrs. Renata Kabátová (ČSVTS desk)
Prague, December 14, 2007
Author: Pavel Švejda